The Effect of Wānanga-Based Learning in Supporting the Development of Teacher Agency in Computational Thinking


  • Jessica Petersen



Proffessional Development, Computational Thinking, Digital Technologies


As of 2020, all schools and kura in Aotearoa New Zealand were expected to teach digital technologies as part of the core curriculum. Our digital world is rapidly expanding and in order to be successful in this space, our rangatahi (youth) need to be capable of both using and creating digital tools. This project seeks to support secondary-school teachers of different subject-specialty areas to authentically integrate computational thinking concepts into their regular teaching practice. This was accomplished through a series of wānanga and exploration phases, with a focus on critically reflective practice and ako (reciprocal learning). Questionnaires and recording of kōrero (conversation) were used to understand changes in teacher confidence in the areas of understanding, lesson design, and ability to give feedback in relation to computational thinking principles. Results of this research have shown that using wānanga to support teachers to learn and apply computational thinking in their classrooms positively impacts their agency in developing high-quality lessons that are aligned with digital technologies curriculum. The findings from this project are intended to support other schools in Aotearoa New Zealand to develop their own frameworks of professional development in this area.




How to Cite

Petersen, J. (2021). The Effect of Wānanga-Based Learning in Supporting the Development of Teacher Agency in Computational Thinking. He Rourou, 1(1), 5–16.


